Legacy Sports 1 v 1 Event Format and Prizes


This event will follow the well established rules made popular by the Hormesis elite tour. Our structure is as follows (deviations from hormesis rules are highlighted in red):

Duel Format (held on Sunday)

  • Single contender 1 vs 1
  • Open to players ranked semi-pro and below
  • Each participant is allowed to have a single coach and no more than 2 pit crew members assisting them. These individuals must register at the start of the event
  • We recommend that you bring a pit crew, two guns, two masks and two packs.
  • The participant may not use more than 5 cases of paint per match
  • There is no limit to the amount of paint that the player may carry onto the field (1/2 pods and a loader is a common load out)
  • Gun rate of fire will be set the current NXL limit of 10.5 bps
  • Chrono speed will be no higher than 300 fps
  • Players must start in the starting box with both feet inside the box and the gun barrel pointed down and below the waist.
  • Each match will have a 20 minute time limit
  • 20 seconds between each point
  • Players will switch sides after every 5 points
  • Each player's each will have 2 time outs of 1 minute each
  • Matches are scored as follows:
    • race to 10 points
    • 7 point mercy rule
    • if time expires without a winner, the winner will be determined by whoever has the most points
  • No sideline coaching or audience participation
  • This is a single elimination event
  • The overall winner will be the last person standing

Duel Prize Policy

The prize will be 50% of the pot, up to a maximum of $800, winner takes all. If there are fewer than 10 participants the event will be cancelled.

Event Cancellation

Should the event be cancelled for any reason 100% of your entry fee will be refunded to you.

Registration Form

To register for the event please complete the registration form below. To complete the form select the event date (12/17). Select the event time (9:00 AM) then complete the required form fields. Your registration is not complete until you check out and pay.